Instructional Technology
Instructional Technology
Chris Fuller, Director of Instructional Technology, wants to share his love for learning and technology with your teachers and students. Use the contact information below to start planning your next edtech training or presentation. Each event will be tailored to your school’s specific needs. Chris has first hand experience with Chromebooks and iPads in the K12 classroom, Google Workspace for Education, and audio and video production.
Popular Topics
60 Second Film Festival - YouTuber, social media influencer, or Steven Spielberg; whatever your motives may be Chris will guide you through some fundamentals for audio, video, and lighting. This group active session will conclude with participants creating a 60 video to premiere on their platform of choice.
Audience: Teachers, Students
Podcasting 101 - YouTuber, social media influencer, or Steven Spielberg; whatever your motives may be Chris will guide you through some fundamentals for audio, video, and lighting. This group active session will conclude with participants creating a 60 video to premiere on their platform of choice.
Audience: Teachers, Students
Change Your Algorithm - Have you noticed that some of the things that you talk about and look up on your phone have started showing up as YouTube ads and social media ads? The algorithm is feeding you what you want or at least what it thinks you want. We're going to take control of our feed and get back on course for a happier and more positive online experience.
Audience: Admin, Students, Digital Citizenship
Digital Native ≠l Digital Fluency - Let's look at technology integration best practices that will boost student engagement and motivation. Just because students are surrounded by technology does not mean they know how to use it in an instructional setting. Chris will walk you through lesson design and integrating technology that will keep your classroom frustration free.
Audience: Admin, Teachers
Authentic Audience - Let's look at technology integration best practices that will boost student engagement and motivation. Just because students are surrounded by technology does not mean they know how to use it in an instructional setting. Chris will walk you through lesson design and integrating technology that will keep your classroom frustration free.
Audience: Admin, Teachers
Make a Difference - Take your makerspace or technology class to the next level by incorporating problem solving with an authentic audience. Chris will show you different examples that will spark the minds of young engineers and impact your classroom, school, and community.
Audience: Admin, Teachers, Students

Chris Fuller
Director of Instructional Technology | 706-219-7524