Georgia Leadership Academy Preparation Program

GaLAPP is an alternative leadership preparation, post-baccalaureate program designed for individuals who have not prepared as leaders in a traditional leadership preparation program. The program recognizes candidates’ earlier academic preparation and life experiences and results in recommendation for the Tier I leadership certification. Tier I supports candidates in entry-level leadership positions below the principal and system level positions that do not supervise principals.

Program Admissions

  • The candidate must be employed in a position requiring leadership certification for one-half or more each day.

  • The candidate’s system must recommend the candidate for participation in the program and must apply for a non-renewable leadership certificate for the candidate.

  • The candidate must pass the Georgia Ethics for Educational Leadership Assessment (#380).

  • The candidate must provide evidence of successful teaching and teacher leadership experience.

  • The candidate must provide evidence of engaging colleagues in professional learning opportunities.

  • The candidate must exhibit professional leadership dispositions.

  • All candidates must either complete the Essentials Course prior to entry to the Residency Program.

  • Preferred: Hold Teacher Leadership or Coaching Endorsement

GaLAPP Framework:

  • Candidates are supervised and coached by a Candidate Support Team (school or system-based administrator, school or system-based mentor, RESA supervisor).

  • Candidates attend monthly face-to-face seminars and complete monthly online modules.

  • LAPP is a job-embedded clinical practice based on the Georgia Educational Leader Standards.

  • Candidates complete job-embedded projects and assignments.

  • Candidates must pass the Educational Leadership GACE prior to program completion.

GaLAPP Timeframe:

  • Pioneer RESA only accepts candidates prior to or at the beginning of each school year.

  • Tier I is a twelve-month certification program.

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Professional Learning