Thank you for your interest in Pioneer RESA!
A complete and current application is necessary for consideration of employment. The classified and certified applications are located to the right. All certified positions will be advertised on the TeachGeorgia website, but applicants still need to complete the Pioneer RESA certified application in order to be considered for a position.
Classified Application – Print the classified application for GNETS/Futures or RESA. Follow the instructions on the cover page of the application.
Certified Application – Print the certified application. It is the same for GNETS/Futures and for RESA. Follow the instructions on the cover page of the application.
Pioneer RESA does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, color, religion, national origin, creed, or disability in its employment practices.
Current Openings
Employment Eligibility Verification
Pioneer Regional Educational Service Agency has an official agreement (ID#238797) effective August 18, 2009, with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Employment Eligibility Verification Program (E-Verify). (Posting required by O.C.G.A 13-10-91.)
For GNETS/Futures Program Inquiries:
For Pioneer RESA Inquiries: