Pioneer RESA is governed by a Board of Control made up of the superintendents of the 15 Pioneer RESA schools systems, the presidents of the public colleges in the region, and a representative from the regional library system.

Unless otherwise specified, meetings are held at 10:00 am at Pioneer RESA.
*Each year, the October, April, and June Board of Control meetings are tentatively held offsite at conferences across the state. The date and location of these meetings are subject to change.
Our Board Members
Dr. Ann Hopkins - Banks County
Ms. Nicole LeCave - Dawson County
Ms. Shannon Dillard - Fannin County
Ms. Melanie Burton-Brown - Franklin County
Dr. Jeremy Williams - Gainesville City
Mr. Matthew Cooper - Habersham County
Mr. Will Schofield - Hall County
Ms. Jennifer Carter - Hart County
Ms. Sharon Head - Lumpkin County
Dr. April Childers - Rabun County
Dr. Connie Franklin - Stephens County
Dr. Darren Berrong - Towns County
Mr. John Hill - Union County
Dr. Laurie Burkett - White County
Mr. Stan Davis - Mountain Education Charter
Michael Shannon - University of North Georgia
Mr. Tim McDonald - Lanier Technical College
Mr. John Wilkinson - North Georgia Technical College
Ms. Delana Knight - Northeast Georgia Regional Library
To access the password-protected Board of Control Meeting Agenda site please click below.